martes, 31 de diciembre de 2013

Balance 2013

It looks like was yesterday when we were doing the balance of 2012 and preparing for receiving 2013, and the year has already gone. Another more.

A year in which we've all grown and matured a little more, in which we've set objectives; some became true, others no. But because of this the years pass, to fulfill all that we want and that we could not achieve before.
2013 has been a year like all:
Full of all kinds of emotions and anecdotes.
With its bad and good things, but like always and in positive minds, always the good things have more weight; and that is worth to be remembered. 
The best is forget and discard the bad.
We remain with the best memories and focus on the most important ones.

I have traveled twice to the Iberian Peninsula. In the two ocassions, I have been with relatives who I've seen little, I've seen face to face friends who until the moment and because of the distance, I only had contact with them through the Internet, and I've also met a lot of great people.
I'm glad of that they've accompanied me in part of my walking for this year which we left behind already.

The second travel was a dream become true, because many years ago I wanted to go to Barcelona, and for this summer I proposed it and I achieved it. It made me be very excited since the first moment.
I really loved it and would like to go back.
In addition, this trip helped me to take a decision. I want to go live in the Peninsula since two years ago; because I didn't feel comfortable in Lanzarote, but I doubted between Madrid or Barcelona​​.
Now, I'm sure that Barcelona is where I wanna be.
On the first trip, the return made me feel specially sad; so I realized on this year too that my decision to live in the Peninsula is really strong.

This year I also obtained the pictures of my school groups that had been lost and had been trying to recover for a long time. I uploaded these photos to Facebook and  consequently, I was able to get back in touch with most of my class when I was in preschool and EGB, because I had already located some few colleagues; who have tagged the others in the photos.

I have continued with my job searching, without success still, but with the difference that a friend is helping me a lot, and that is always appreciated. Also, I've done the course Food Safety and Food Handling, which opens me more doors to find something more.

So, in 2014 I especially hope work for all the people who don't have the luck to having one.
And that we move forward in life by struggling to achieve our dreams and goals.
My main purpose is to find a work, only with it, I'll can fulfill my dreams and future projects, which are two: Getting the driver's license and move to the Peninsula to live there.

It would be fantástic if I can celebrate there the next Christmas; or the following one.
See you in 2014, with best wishes to all.
Happy New Year!

Thanks to my friend Isabel for correcting me the mistakes on this text.